Exam Preparation & Revision Seminars for Parents

Exam Preparation & Revision Seminars for Parents

Most of the work that I do with parents is commissioned by schools. 

If you are interested to find out how I work with schools to support students in their preparation for exams, you can find out more here.

Occasionally, I am invited to work with a group of parents independently of a school.  This may be for a group of parents who hear about my work and want me to work with them, or an organisation that is interested in learning more about exam preparation. For example, parents whose children are part of the same sports club or similar.

If you would like to find out more about working with me, please contact me to discuss your requirements.

What parents say about my work with them

I wish I had this sooner! Thank you to Michele for spelling out really clearly how students should revise for GCSEs.

Our son came home from school saying how great he had found the revision seminar during the day and told me I had to go to the evening presentation so I could understand all the different revision techniques!  He has immediately started putting lots of the ideas into practice which I think says it all.

We really went to town on the Michele Miller revision strategies. This was actually the turning point for our child’s revision. Thank you!

I thought that Michele Miller’s revision session was excellent, loads of practical advice, reassurance, and guidance.

I wanted to thank you for arranging the revision session for parents with Michele Miller last night.  It was a thoroughly excellent and professional presentation and so useful.  Talking to other parents was also very helpful; just being able to share experiences and knowing you are not alone!