School Improvement Consultancy

School Improvement Consultancy

Teaching is complex.  To be effective and successful in the many elements that make up ‘teaching’ at any one time is difficult.  When Dylan William says, “every teacher can improve”, he is right.  I have a proven track record as a school improvement consultant.  The intention that I share with school leaders is that we support staff to bring the best version of themselves to work, to thrive because they know what effective, evidence informed teaching is, and can practice and develop this through instructional coaching.

My School Improvement work is planned in close partnership with school leaders.  I will provide honest observation and reflection of what we see in your classrooms and use this to reflect on where improvement will impact on learning for your students.  I will work with your leaders and teachers with a balance of support and challenge to ensure that they feel empowered and inspired to continue to learn as professionals.

I book at least one term in advance, so do get in touch to explore how I can support your School Improvement.

What leaders say about my School Improvement Support

It’s not often that kind and robust can be used to describe someone in the same sentence, but that’s exactly what you are.  Thank you for supporting our school through this process of improvement – you have had a massive impact on our school.

Everything you do is student centred.  Not only have you shared difficult messages with us to help us improve, but then worked with us to translate them into better outcomes for our children with your supportive but challenging approach.

Some of our staff were reluctant to engage with this work, but now they talk about learning all the time.  Thank you for helping to achieve a change in culture.