
I believe that Education changes everything.

My career is built on the desire to support and enable others to achieve their potential and ambition. This is with students as an educational consultant, and with athletes and para-athletes in my work in sport.

My first teaching post was in London, and since then, I have worked as a teacher, leader, and senior leader in a range of schools in London and Surrey. For the last 12 years I have worked as an Educational Consultant, and more recently, as the Leadership and learning consultant for the Schools Alliance for Excellence.

As a sport psychologist, I worked for 10 years with UK athletics and for 12 years with British Diving as part of the interdisciplinary team that prepared many athletes for performance at Olympic and Paralympic Games, world championships, Commonwealth Games and national events.

I am mother to four fantastic children. I know that whilst this is the best job in the world, and a very great privilege it can also be challenging! I appreciate the importance of an excellent education from the parent perspective.

Educational Training and Consultancy

I am an Education Consultant, working with school leaders to maximise the learning experiences and outcomes of students.  I have worked in a variety of schools as a teacher, leader, and senior leader, with a focus on learning and teaching.  I continue to be fascinated by the complex process of learning and am determined to support schools as they work to ensure that every learner thrives.  I work as a consultant in schools throughout the country.

My educational consultancy work with schools includes:

  • Strategic review with school leaders to identify priorities and action planning of next steps
  • Design and delivery of sustained programme of professional learning which may include inset and ongoing development for staff
  • School improvement consultancy and support
  • Coaching Headteacher, senior leaders and key staff

Preparation for exam success – a whole community approach

Over the past few years, I have been working with school communities as students prepare to sit GCSE, A level and other qualifications. By bringing together my expertise from Education and high-performance sport, I have developed an insight into how students can best prepare for high performance in exams.  By understanding motivation, how to use working and long-term memory, manage time and revise effectively, I can show students, teachers, and parents how to make evidence informed choices that lead to success.  I know that there are no short cuts, and that preparation for success requires commitment, dedication, and resilience.  I have worked with thousands of students to prepare for exams in a way that minimises exam stress.

I have first-hand experience of parenting as mother to 4 children and I understand the challenges for students and their parents as they work in partnership with their school to be ready for the demands of a rigorous exam experience.

Coaching to maximise performance

Whether your high performance environment is the sports arena, the board room or in your exams, I can coach you to achieve your goals. My career as a Sport Psychologist spans 5 Olympic cycles, supporting GB athletes as they prepare to compete in the Olympic and Paralympic games. These experiences alongside my coaching expertise enable my clients to unlock their potential.

” Coach Foundation has recognised Michele Miller expertise in High Performance Coach by selecting her as a top coach.